The Prix Galien rewards excellence and novelty, and awards special honors to those who have served humanity at large by upgrading the quality of life or even by saving lives through the development of innovative drugs and diagnostic tools.
For that reason, the Prix Galien is regarded as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize and is the highest distinction in biopharmaceutical research and development.

So far, the Prix Galien are conducted in 20 countries around the globe.

The Prix Galien institution abroad has been supported by important personalities as Messrs Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General, Barack Obama and William-Jefferson Clinton, US Presidents, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, the French President and other personalities from the fields of politics and science. Our country launched the institution of Prix Galien on February 2, 2013, at the Athens Concert Hall and the awarding ceremony was held under the auspices of H.M. President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Karolos Papoulias.

The jury of the Prix Galien is composed of internationally renowned distinguished scientists in the field of medicine, genetics, biotechnology, pharmacology, chemistry and molecular biology.
The institution of the Prix Galien, beyond the scientific aspect, it has a strong social and humanitarian character. For this reason, in each ceremony a Humanitarian Award is bestowed, (Pro Bono Humanum), which rewards a person or a group of people who have contributed significantly in the health sector in Greece.

In addition, on March 7th 2015, when the second ceremony of Prix Galien Greece awarding ceremony was held, two new, great prizes were introduced: the Galien Scientific Research Award and the Patient Initiative Award. These two awards are coming to recognize the scientific research that leads in curing serious diseases and to reward the actions of Patients’ Associations, that obtained the best possible patient access both to information and to health facilities.

Finally, in November 2015 the Galien Patients Academy will be established, which aims in offering – in cooperation with specialists- training seminars to patients’ associations members in order to strengthen their assertive and communication profile ensuring most benefits from the state.



On the occasion of World Diabetes Day (November 14) – landmark day by the United Nations as the principal international campaign vehicle for raising awareness to the problem of diabetes – JP Communications organized on 11.11.14 on behalf of the Greek Diabetes Association a press conference in order to inform the scientific community, the government agencies and the general public about the new data on diabetes, and the value of prevention its regulation.

In addition, the buildings of the University of Athens, the Academy of Athens and the National Library of Greece on Panepistimiou Street were illuminated with the “blue light” that is the global symbol of diabetes, to further emphasize the scientific dimension of World Diabetes Day. During the illumination ceremony of the three buildings, a video-documentary was screened about the journey of diabetes, which started in antiquity, reported in the present and moved to the future and the pledges it carries for people with diabetes. The illumination ceremony was under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, the support of the Diabetes Society of Northern Greece (DEVE), the National School of Public Health and the kind support of AstraZeneca.

During the press conference, new data on the progress made on diabetes were presented by the President of the Greek Diabetes Society, Mr. A. Sotiropoulos, Deputy Minister of Health Ms. Katerina Papakosta, the Chairman of the Research Committee of the National School of Public Health Ms. Elpida Pavi, while the day ended with an optimistic message from the president of the Panhellenic Union for the Struggle Against Juvenile Diabetes Ms. Sophia Manea.


On the occasion of the presentation of the innovative device Cefaly®, which is a new approach for the treatment of headache and migraine, JP Communications organized on behalf of the Hellenic Headache Society a press conference on May 7th 2015, at Divani Caravel Hotel.

The main speakers at the press conference were Mr. Dimos-Dimitris Mitsikostas, Neurologist, MD, PhD, Director of the Neurological Clinic of the Athens Navy Hospital, President European Headache Federation, who focused on the pathophysiology and epidemiology of headache and migraine, Clementine E. Karageorgiou, Neurologist – Psychiatrist MD, PhD, Director of the Neurological Clinic, Medical Center of Athens, President of the Hellenic Headache Society, referred to the drug treatment of migraine in adults and children and Professor Dr. Jean Schoenen, Honorary Full Professor, Headache Research Unit, University of Liège, Dept of Neurology, Citadelle Hospital, Liège, Belgium, who focused on the results and modus operandi of noninvasive peripheral nerve stimulation for the treatment of headache.

The press conference attended the well-known actor and presenter Anthony Loudaros who, himself suffering from migraine attacks, shared with journalists and the public his experience of using Cefaly® in order to encourage them by stressing that there is a way to manage migraines and continue to live a quality life.



What is GPAP?

The Galien Patients’ Academy Program will operate under the umbrella of Prix Galien Greece and is under the auspices of the Oncology Centre of Biomedical Education & Research. The GPAP in cooperation with specialists, will offer Patients’ Associations representatives seminars of specific topics concerning communication, new members’ recruitment, access to health, patient compliance market, health economics, health technology assessment (HTA), clinical studies, on the basis of patients’ associations needs with the main objective to:

  • strengthen their assertive and communicative profile
  • help new members integrate and
  • acquire the appropriate tools to be used given the present conditions in the healthcare sector to obtain further amenities from the state

Courses Curriculum

GPAP courses will begin in November 2016, one training cycle per semester. The duration of the courses will be two (2) weekends for four (4) modules in a total of 25 students per course.

Specifically, the first course will be held on 18-19 / 11/16 and 25-26 / 11/16, at Sofitel Athens Airport Hotel while the second training cycle is expected to take place in May 2017.

For a detailed course curriculum of the first cycle, please contact us.

The participation of Patients’ Associations in GPAP is gratis and all running costs are covered entirely by donations.